Pinetree has no requirements except Python and CMake. Python 3 is recommend. To install pinetree from pip, run the following:
pip3 install cmake # Cmake is required to install pinetree
pip3 install pinetree
The latest development build may be installed from GitHub:
pip3 install cmake # CMake is required to compile pinetree
git clone
cd pinetree
pip3 install .
Construct a simulation
All pinetree simulations begin with the construction of a Model object. At a minimum, Model must define the volume in which the simulation will take place.
import pinetree as pt
model = pt.Model(cell_volume=8e-16)
Next, we’ll define a genome and register it with Model.
Defining a genome
Pinetree supports linear genomes of any size, represented by Genome objects. A Genome object must be given a name and a length, in base pairs.
plasmid = pt.Genome(name="myplasmid", length=300)
After defining a Genome object, we can add promoters, terminators, and genes. These genetic elements can be defined in any order.
plasmid.add_promoter(name="phi1", start=1, stop=10,
interactions={"rnapol": 2e8})
plasmid.add_terminator(name="t1", start=299, stop=300,
efficiency={"rnapol": 1.0})
plasmid.add_gene(name="rnapol", start=26, stop=225,
rbs_start=11, rbs_stop=26, rbs_strength=1e7)
plasmid.add_gene(name="proteinX", start=241, stop=280,
rbs_start=226, rbs_stop=241, rbs_strength=1e7)
Here we’ve defined a plasmid with two genes, ‘rnapol’, an RNA polymerase which binds to promoter ‘phi1’ and some other ‘proteinX’. Each genetic element has a name, a start position, and a stop position. For more information on the other arguments of these methods, please see the full Python documentation.
When all genetic elements have been added, register the Genome object with our Model object.
At this point we could run the simulation, but nothing would happen because we have not defined any polymerases or ribosomes that interact with the Genome object.
Defining polymerases and ribosomes
To simulate both transcription and translation, we’ll add polymerases and then add ribosomes. Since these enzymes may interact with more than one type of genome, we add them to the Model object.
model.add_polymerase(name="rnapol", speed=40, footprint=10, copies=10)
model.add_ribosome(speed=30, footprint=10, copies=100)
Polymerases and ribosomes may move at any speed. Their respective footprints, however, must be smaller than the sites to which they bind. For example, if ‘rnapol’ has a footprint of 10 bp, then the promoter it binds to must also be at least 10 bp in length. Likewise, if a ribosome has a footprint of 10 bp, the ribosome binding site must be at least 10 bp.
Define species reactions
Pinetree supports option species reactions between one or two molecular species. For example, we may define a reaction such that proteinX forms a complex with rnapol called rnapol-X.
model.add_reaction(reactants=['proteinX', 'rnapol'],
Run the simulation
To simulate gene expression, specify a time limit and a time step at which to output data. All protein and transcript counts will be output in tab seperated format.
model.simulate(time_limit=60, time_step=1, output="simulation.tsv")
Interpretting results
A pinetree simulation produces an output file with 5 columns.
- time
Current time of simulation in seconds.
- species
Name of a molecular species, derived from a polymerase name, a gene name, or an explicitly defined molecular species. Any name with a ‘__’ double underscore prefix is used internally by pinetree.
- protein
Quantity of free proteins corresponding to a species name. For example, the number in this column corresponding to ‘rnapol’ would represent free RNA polymerases that are not actively transcribing.
- transcript
Quantity of transcripts for corresponding to a species name. If a species only exists as a protein or otherwise has no transcript precursor, this value will be 0.
- ribo_density (experimental)
Average quantity of ribosomes actively translating on a transcript.